
Chapter 8

1. By making my pilgrimage to Thee Thy all-pervasiveness has been destroyed by me. With my meditation, Thy transcendence of the mind has been destroyed by me. Thy transcendence of speech has been destroyed by my singing Thy Praise. Ever forgive me these three sins.

2. A sage is one whose intelligence is unsmitten by lusts, who is self-controlled, gentle and pure, who possesses nothing, who is indifferent who eats moderately is quiet and steady and has taken refuge in me.

3. The sage is vigilant and resolute has a profound mind and has conquered the six bondages; he is not proud, but gives honour to others; he is strong, friendly to all compassionate and wise.

4. The sage is merciful, non-violent and enduring of all. He is pure hearted and is the essence of truth; he is the same to all and beneficent to all.

5. The sign of an Avudhuta should be known by the blessed ones,by those who know the truth of the significance of the letters of the Vedas and who teach Veda and Vedanta.

6. The significance of the letter "A" is that the Avudhuta is free from the bondage of hopes is pure in the beginning, middle and end and dwells ever in joy.

7. The syllable "VA" is indicative of him by whom all desires have been renounced whose speech is wholesome and who dwells in the present.

8. The syllable "DHU" is a sign of him whose limbs are grey with dust,  whose mind is purified, who

is free from all diseases , and who is released from the practice of concentration and meditation.

9. The syllable "TA" is significant of him by whom the thought of Truth has been made steady who is devoid of all thoughts and efforts and who is free from ignorance and egoism.

10. This Gita or song is composed by Dattatreya Avadhuta who is the embodiment of bliss. Whoever reads or hears it has never any rebirth.